LABGS Goals and Mission:
The Los Angeles Basin Geological Society is an organization of geoscientists that spreads geologic information to the un-informed and encourages professional growth among its members. Founded in 1967, the LABGS' well being has fluctuated over the years with the same ups and downs as expressed on eustatic sea level charts. Below we highlight the current goals and philosophies of the LABGS. Our Goals Include:
AAPG Affiliation: We are an affiliated society with the Pacific Section of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (PSAAPG). This affiliation allows us to provide a programs and events that would otherwise be impossible. Since our active memberships lives in a geographic area that spans over 4700 square miles, it is a challenge to hold meetings that everyone can attend. Holding the meetings in Long Beach maximizes our exposure for the majority of our members. The Pacific Section AAPG and LABGS operate on a fiscal year from July 1 to June 30. If you are a current member, you will receive a PSAAPG membership renewal notice each June in the mail. Please note, when you renew you are renewing for both LABGS and PSAAPG (for one low price of $12). In addition, the LABGS supplies the International Organization, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) with 4 delegates. These delegate positions are vital for the future of the LABGS because they provide input to the leadership for the AAPG for west coast geoscience interests. The delegates represent the LABGS and the Pacific Section for AAPG policy making.
Membership: Membership is free but to receive our newsletters we require our members to join the Pacific Section AAPG. By keeping a PSAAPG membership active with an affiliation to the LABGS (noted on form membership form) we can provide a great value for the money (two memberships for the price of one). If you are interested in becoming a member, attend one of our meetings or go to the membership section on this web site to find more information.